If you are an individual trader, whether a novice or experienced, you will
benefit from reading this book because:
1 Trading the futures and options markets leads to a greater compounding
of wealth than any other method available. Billions have been made
in days on many occasions, and will be made again.
Nothing else comes close.
2 It is possible to make money in the markets consistently. It is possible to
beat the market. The author, John Piper, among many others, has done
it. To do the same you need to follow a proven methodology which suits
your personality. This book explains how.
3 This book also sets out a number of proven methodologies, giving you
a head start in selecting the one which will work for you.
4 But it also goes a lot further. John Piper wrote this book because he had
never come across a book which deals with the whole issue of trading.
There are many books which deal with market analysis, and technical
analysis techniques. There are many books which deal with psychology.
There are books which deal with money management and all manner of
other subjects, some even cover a range of topics. But no other book
covers it all, from a successful philosophy of trading, through all the psychology,
into the methodologies, the operation thereof, and the end
5 It is rare to find a book which appreciates that it is no good doing it “how I
say.” We each have to find our own route to success. This book spells out
why that is, and how to do it. That is what The Way to Trade is all about.
6 The futures and options markets offer the biggest potential for growth,
far more than is offered by stock markets. The people who really make
it big do so in these markets. Perhaps more importantly you can make
money whether markets go up or down. In coming years this may be