Option trading is one of the greatest games on earth! You
can be a two-dollar investor, betting on the action of stocks, the
markets, futures and/or commodities, or you can be the casino or
a legalized bookie, taking the bets instead of making the bets.
You pick the role and have the fun and profit. With options, gains
of over 1000% are not unusual, and you can design strategies
that will win up to 90% of the time.
Better yet, options are an excellent investment tool that
gives you much more flexibility, reduces your risks and increases
your income in the investment markets. Once properly learning
to use options, you will use this tool in your investment portfolio
for the rest of your life.
However, many novice option traders, as they start trading,
encounter many disappointments and issues in the options markets
and leave with a bitter taste, for they have unrealistic expectations
and are not equipped to compete in this game. This book
will help the novice option traders as well as the experienced option
traders become better equipped to stay in the game and
compete successfully.
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