Jan 21, 2008

Warrior Trading: Inside the Mind of an Elite Currency Trader (Wiley Trading)

Among the thousands—perhaps millions—of traders in the
world today, there is an elite group who amasses immense fortunes.
It is these individuals, and the stories of their wealth and
the kinds of lifestyles they enjoy, who inspire millions around
the globe to partake in the greatest game on earth: trading in
financial markets. These individuals, through focused effort, a
constant search for knowledge, immense courage, and concentrated
determination, win out over the throngs of lesser traders.
They are the warrior traders.

After more than 20 years of trading
in global financial markets, and chatting and discussing markets
with the best warrior traders from New York to Switzerland,
I feel privileged to have learned a great deal. I feel even more
privileged to now have the opportunity to put down in these
pages some of the trading secrets I have discovered.

I say “secrets,” but this does not mean the concepts are difficult.
Perhaps like the most valuable gifts in life, they are really
self-apparent. Yet despite this, they are somehow unseen by the
majority. Even those who have discovered some of these secrets
usually end up drifting back to their previous, unsuccessful
trading styles. In fact, even the best of the warrior traders have
to constantly guard themselves against the tendency toward
complacency and even arrogance when profits have been growing
particularly well for a period. My hope is that the information
in these pages will quickly accelerate traders from beginner to warrior status;
however, it is important to realize at the outset
that this can happen only if warrior status is truly desired.
Once arrived at, the new challenge is staying there.
The most important warrior secret of all:
Your level of success in the world of
financial markets is entirely up to you
and has nothing to do with what the markets
are doing. There will always be bull
markets and bear markets. The occurrence
of good or bad luck, if luck exists at
all, evens out over time.

Great success
and the attaining of warrior trader status
come about as a result of commitment, a
never-ending willingness to learn, steadfast
determination, and that rare ingredient, a touch of humility.
Throughout the ages, all great warriors have had these same


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